Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Hata no Kokoro Osu! Skin

okay, finally.. i've made it :)
another Touhou Character will accompany you in osu! and her name is Hata no Kokoro..
here is her profile

Hata no Kokoro is a Menreiki youkai. She appears in Hopeless Masquerade as the Final Stage Boss. She considers Koishi her enemy due to the fact that during Hopeless Masquerade, Koishi stole her mask of hope, and refused to return it.

Hata no Kokoro is a youkai of menreiki, and she holds a total of 66 masks. She became a youkai after a long time from these masks which were used by the the father of Sarugaku performance, Hata no Kawakatsu.

When Prince Shoutoku was in war against Soga no Moriya, Prince Shoutoku ordered that Kawakatsu perform 66 types of play for ancient ritual with 66 masks given by Prince Shoutoku. After the plays, the war ended and there came peace.

A.K.A Kokoro Hata

Species menreiki

Abilities Ability to manipulate emotion

Age Unknown (possibly immortal)

Occupation Unknown

Location Unknown

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